August 19, 2008

Gift Time

Ah, August. The beach, the sun, the clear skies, and... Javitz! Yes it's that time again—time for the New York International Gift Fair, and days and days of trolling around what seems like the biggest airport that ever existed.. one that just happens to be stuffed to the gills with gifts. For those that don't know, the gift show is held twice a year in three locations in NYC. The Javitz Center, the Piers on 55th street and at the Metropolitan Pavilion, and gives vendors a chance to showcase their newest wares to shop owners, editors, bloggers and anyone else who's interested in finding out what's new in the market. The range, depth and breath of items is unbelievable. Whenever I go I try to focus on items for the home, but inevitably end up being sidetracked by booths filled with amazing jewelry, and colorful toys that actually look beautiful do not require batteries. As an editor, the gift show is an opportunity to try and notice trends in the market, familiarize one's self with what's new and exciting, and to actually meet the PR people and owners that we deal with on the phone and via email all the time. Overall the experience for me is both invigorating and exhausting at the same time. There is so much to take in, and honestly, most of it shocking. You can't believe how much design gone terribly wrong there is out there. I saw a tissue box in one booth with a large carved nose on one side, and lips and eyes on the other side. On the other hand, there are many many beautiful, amazing and inspiring pieces. And as soon as I figure out how to post photos, I'll share some of my favorites. More to come!